School Contest VII Grab American’s Marine

Kediri - Final Party School Contest VII bring American to Kediri. How awesome is this ? She is an American’s Marine, Lia. She comes here for a peace mission that concern on education. Then the question is why she comes to IKCC (Insumo Kediri Convention Centre) ? When we have a lucky momment to get a conversation with her (5/10), this question was cracked. “I come here for my student from SMKN 1 Plosoklaten, I believe that my student will be the champion this year and we will got to be better next year”. Shout Lia enthusiasm.

Lia comes to Indonesia since 4 month ago. She is like to go to the mall and an ice cream store with her friend. “The mall in Kediri is good, but American’s mall better.” Said Lia joke. She likes to going around Kediri after she teach her stundent on SMKN 1 Plosoklaten when she felt miss on her hometown, Atlanta.

This year, SMKN 1 take a rotation theme for their 3D magazine wall. The shape of their magazine wall is agriculture future machine. “We take this theme because, Indonesian people is not interest to have work on agriculture anymore. Maybe in the future, Indonesian people more interest to have work on an office.” Said Agus (17) as a 3D magazine wall’s crew from the third grade. (sam)

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